Drawing is where my entire online journey began. As a child and teenager, I consistently kept diaries, where I occasionally made a drawing in the margins to clarify a situation. One day, I shared such a drawing on Instagram, and something clicked to keep doing this. For a year and a half, I shared a humorous cartoon online every day. Over time, I set up a webshop, got my first commissions from companies, and wrote my debut novel ‘Arlo’. Now, I am fully independent, and drawing constitutes a large part of my activities. I work for publishers, individuals, organizations, and companies… Everything is possible, that’s the advantage of being independent!

A few years ago, I started hiking, inspired by the story of another female Belgian hiker. I then hiked the West Highland Way in Scotland, and since that trip, I’ve been completely hooked. Solo hiking on multi-day trips through Europe has since become an annual ritual for me. The mountains serve as extraordinary teachers and bring me valuable lessons in assertiveness, sociability, and inventiveness. Initially, I only shared my adventures with friends and family on YouTube, but this has now evolved into a full-fledged YouTube channel and blog. And now, off to the woods!
You can find a more detailed introduction to my hiking story here.

Ultimately, my entire creative outlet started with music. As a child, I spent almost all of my extracurricular time at the music school, and after high school, I studied jazz vocals at the conservatories of Ghent, Rotterdam, and Brussels. During that study – which got a bit stuck here and there – I started drawing, and making music took a back seat for a while. However, my love for singing never disappeared; quite soon I started recording voice-overs for commercials, while my passion for making music gradually returned. Nowadays, I am part of a jazz a cappella group called KOOR, and I am working behind the scenes on my own musical project. But everything in its own time; I believe in following the natural rhythm of life. What comes, comes, and I seize it with both hands!

Pay me a visit on Instagram @floordenil